

Make healthcare better with the Microsoft Power BI

Discover new insights through Power BI that will help you transform healthcare operations and outcomes. With Power BI, you can access, analyze, and visualize patient data in real-time and on the go. Embrace Power BI by integrating it within the hospital applications and portals to empower your team with the data they need.

Optimize clinical decision-making, operational efficiency, patient outcomes, and care delivery with Power BI

Power BI dashboards for healthcare

Clinical/Hospital dashboard

Analyze individual performance, communication, units, prescriptions, revenue, costs, beds availability, bed occupancy, wait time, patient-to-clinician ratio, staff work hours, etc., daily.

Doctors dashboard

Access and analyze visit rates, referral rates, total revenue, returning patients, and new patients, challenges, areas of improvement, etc.,

Financial dashboard

Visualize, analyze, and track revenue indicators- patient revenue, clinic revenue, quarterly revenue trend and budget comparison, new revenue streams, departmental spending and income, salaries, claim denial rate, medical equipment, etc.,

Patient dashboard

Improve care delivery and patient experience through a patient dashboard that lets you access records, medical histories, and insights about patients from several hospitals within the same system. Data can be extracted from an EHR and integrated with a CRM dashboard to access medical information seamlessly. Dashboards help you keep track of your frequently viewed data.

No-show dashboard

Identify no-show and appointment cancellation rates with a no-show dashboard. You can analyze and automate reminders for scheduled appointments and manage them accordingly to decrease no-show rates.

Roadmap to our Power BI consulting services

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Why must you choose WaferWire for Power BI consulting services?
